Guitar Studio

Class, Music Education, & Ensemble

Class guitar is designed for beginning guitar students who have never played, or students who already play but do not read music for guitar. This class emphasizes building a solid technical foundation for solo playing and learning to read music. Basic chords and accompanying styles are also taught.

Music education guitar lessons offer private instruction for music performance majors, music industry majors with guitar as their major instrument, or advanced students who wish to pursue performance. These lessons explore different styles and stylistic periods of intermediate to advanced repertoire.

Guitar ensemble is a course that emphasizes learning to play with other musicians in a small group setting. This course also focuses on sight-reading and fretboard theory. Ensemble meets for a 1-hour rehearsal once per week.

Students who wish to major in guitar or take guitar lessons should contact John Jackson to schedule an audition appointment. Please keep in mind that instructors may not be available for summer appointments. Please call when scheduling appointments outside the regular fall and spring semesters.

Audition Requirements

  • Submit all applications on Future Students page
  • Submit a
  • Perform a finger-style piece of your choice
  • 2 major and 2 minor scales from the Segovia Edition
  • Demonstrate ability to sight read in first position


John Jackson
Guitar Instructor
Location of Office or Address
Have A Question About Guitar?